Areille - the Lioness of God

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dreams can come true ... ;)

Even though some of you have already seen this one ... I had to post it coz I think it's worth saving. :)

I had the weirdest dream ever!! I dreamt I met Rajnikanth and he was explaining to me that he doesn’t have any black money. All the money he earns is earned in the right way and also how he donates so much to charity. And this is all while both of us walked on streets of Chennai. And then, he said he wanted to pick his suit from the laundry place. And for some reason, his laundry place was this one room dhobi shop. And when we went there, the dhobi didn’t have his suit ready on time … but Rajnikanth was so patient and then he told me that anger gets one nowhere. We should be patient!!!!

Oh my God!!! What the hell was that? Why am I dreaming on Rajnikanth and why is he advicing me? AND, I am pretty sure that in my dream even though I was talking in English, I believed it was all tamil!!! This was one of those early morning dreams … superstitions say they usually come true!! :P

I hang out too much with you Tams!!!!!


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