Annual Performance Review: 01 Aug '05-'06
- Have I lived this year to the fullest?
- What have I accomplished?
- What mistakes have I made?
- Have I rectified them?
- And what are my plans for the coming year?
On the eve of my 2005 birthday, I had introduced a few changes in my life and I guess my aim of Aug'05-'06 was to live those changes. Below is a summary of the things which mattered to me that I managed to do:
- Stuck to veganism
- Raised 2 cats
- New years 2006 in Goa(lot of accomplishments there, which I don't think I should really elaborate) ;)
- Took a 3-week vacation to India with my sis and didn't fight even once (actually I am lying, we fought the day before I left but I think that was because we were subconsciously already missing each other!) =)
- Met and hugged Salman Khan in front of 1000s and 1000s of ppl!! (lifetime acheivement award on this one)
- Started running in Jan atleast 4 times a week and have stuck to it on most weeks!
- Losing weight ever since slowly and steadily. Look better and feel better!
- Ran my first 5K on March 25 - UT Fun Run
- Bought my first new car - Honda Accord 2006 ( I know, I know, but I am pure desi and can' t help it)
- Went white water rafting on the Ocoee river w/ my siblings in March
- Had a reunion gala with my undergrad buddies at Purdue.
- Attempted saving a little more, spending a little less (not really accomplished my goal but mid-way there) --> much better than I was last year!
- Trip to Tirupathi and walking up the hills (this is a yearly one)
- Made lots of good friends, lost a few, forced myself to lose a few . . . ;)
- 4 trips to Atlanta in a span of 3 months! (not really something I wanted, but loved every minute of it)
- moved apartments (now thats just lame, and yes, I am running out of things) :)
Anyways, the bottom line is, I laughed a lot, partied a lot, cried a little and had a great year.
For the coming year, the 2 things I hope to do is run more & pray more. I think everything else will find its place. :)